nsefetch() Function

Lets explore the most important function of NSEPython โ€“

We added a new function named nsefetch() which downloads the NSE website links and parse them into JSONs automatically. If You find any API Endpoint of NSE that has JSON, You can use this function to download bypassing their usual scarping blocks.

Just the put link inside the function! Thatโ€™s it.

Basic Usage


positions = nsefetch('https://www.nseindia.com/api/equity-stockIndices?index=SECURITIES%20IN%20F%26O')


The Output will show a huge JSON data which will may the loadtime of this site sensitive.

Parsing the Data with Pandas

You can check these following sites to navigate through the data schema or help you to structure bad output of JSON.

Letโ€™s study how you can manage this huge data by Python and Pandas Library.Note that Pandas is already preinstalled with NSEPython.

 If You have put the shared JSON Output in the JSON Formatter (opens new window), You will see something like this โ€“

Anyways, If check it further You can see the data holds a Python List

All we have to do is to convert the List to PandasRefer Here.


from nsepython import *
positions = nsefetch('https://www.nseindia.com/api/equity-stockIndices?index=SECURITIES%20IN%20F%26O')
df = pd.DataFrame(positions['data'])


symbol  ...                                               meta
0     RELIANCE  ...  {'symbol': 'RELIANCE', 'companyName': 'Relianc...
1        L&TFH  ...  {'symbol': 'L&TFH', 'companyName': 'L&T Financ...
2        CANBK  ...  {'symbol': 'CANBK', 'companyName': 'Canara Ban...
3      HDFCAMC  ...  {'symbol': 'HDFCAMC', 'companyName': 'HDFC Ass...
4       M&MFIN  ...  {'symbol': 'M&MFIN', 'companyName': 'Mahindra ...
..         ...  ...                                                ...
151        BEL  ...  {'symbol': 'BEL', 'companyName': 'Bharat Elect...
152        UBL  ...  {'symbol': 'UBL', 'companyName': 'United Brewe...
153        MGL  ...  {'symbol': 'MGL', 'companyName': 'Mahanagar Ga...
154  SUNPHARMA  ...  {'symbol': 'SUNPHARMA', 'companyName': 'Sun Ph...
155   TVSMOTOR  ...  {'symbol': 'TVSMOTOR', 'companyName': 'TVS Mot..

The output is showing ... as it is too big but anyways, thatโ€™s the way to parse it. You can add these lines to unlock the full view of Pandas output โ€“

pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)  # or 1000
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)  # or 1000
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1)  # or 199
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None  # default='warn' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20625582/how-to-deal-with-settingwithcopywarning-in-pandas

Alternatively, You can use for loop too.

Building Custom Functions

Letโ€™s workout futher on making a custom function using for loop to display the LTP and various other attributes of a symbol using this same URL โ€“


from nsepython import *

def nse_custom_function_secfno(symbol,attribute="lastPrice"):
    positions = nsefetch('https://www.nseindia.com/api/equity-stockIndices?index=SECURITIES%20IN%20F%26O')
    endp = len(positions['data'])
    for x in range(0, endp):
            return positions['data'][x][attribute]





This function also comes by default with nsepython installation. Try it out!

So, You can see that the same LTP can be fetched in multiple ways.

You can also design Python beautifully to get other attributes like pChange which shows how much percentage it is up or down that day.

The rest of the attributes can be seen from putting the output JSON in the JSON Formatter easily โ€“

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