Let’s say you do not like the idea of automation but want the trade setups only. We’ve an easy solution for that. It will be shared on our #Slack Channel.
You will get swift notification once the trade is shared.
Group Trading
You’re not alone. All trading members are in the same group.

Heavily Liquid
Missed the trade? Don’t worry. You will catch it back.
Active Management
We trade too! We will modify trades if things go wrong.

Easily Keep Track of
Stock Market
Apart from #Theta There are lots of #Channels in our #Slack group which are free. Trade setups of various strategies, Overviews of market are shared by 4200+ members!
Hocus Pocus?
Visualize the Strategy
Sometimes we take trade based on advanced setups like iron condor, butterfly, calender spread. Most of the cases we share a video showing maximum profit chance and loss points clearly.
Say hello dexter@unofficed.com